Feed Your Soul - Awaken Your Magic - Live Your Purpose - With Gemstone Jewelry by AnnaMariah

Imagine jewelry that connects to and awakens your soul
I have a passion for creating jewelry to assist you in sharing your magic more powerfully.
As a gemstone empath, I co-create jewelry with the soul energy of the person a piece is eventually meant for - even if we haven't met. Each stone is returned to its original purpose in creation to assist you in living your original intended purpose.
One-of-a-kind jewelry handcrafted to become your own personal talisman - imbued with Love, Reiki energies and evolutionary consciousness.
Note: Necklaces, bracelets and most Earrings and some pendants are my creations. Pendants or earrings set in silver or bronze have been personally chosen for their energy, purchased and energized by me.
What’s calling to you? Look with your intuition, not just your eyes. When you feel drawn to something, allow its energy in and see what’s awakening within you.