Rose of Peace & Strength
In turbulent times, amethyst can be a tremendous ally bringing stability, peace and inner strength.
Amethyst helps you find the courage to live to your highest potential. You’ll have a clearer sense of what that is by using your deepened spiritual knowledge and higher mind to assist you to see clearly.
Amethyst brings energies of stability, peace, calm, balance, courage and inner strength. communication with angels, telepathy and other psychic abilities. Protection, purification, divine connection Activate higher mind, gain clearer comprehension of life experiences.
Amethyst aids in eliminating emotion-based decision making - and who can't use a bit of that? Amethyst also activates your higher mind and assists you to gain a clearer comprehension of your life experiences, bringing energies of stability, peace, calm, balance, courage and inner strength. Also enhances communication with angels.
Peace, Calm, Courage, Angelic, Communication. Purification
Amethyst brings energies of stability, peace, calm, balance, courage and inner strength. communication with angels, telepathy and other psychic abilities
Earrings not shown.
Amethyst, purple glass pearls, sterling, adjustable pewter clasp